Sunday, June 14, 2009

Monsoon - The blog

It is that part of the year when one is feed up with the burning summer and desperately want some rain so that it not only bring the mercury down but also make the surrounding bit greener.
Those who are Hyderabad will probably agree that this is one of the hottest summers we had this year with temperature reaming above 40 degree for most part of April and May. Coming from a coastal belt, i was quite acquainted not only with the heat but also the humidity that comes with every summer. But since last 8 years i am out of my lovely little city Cuttack and moved from one place to other. I have seen the scorching summer of Delhi and also the humid summer of Chennai. Even my favorite city Bangalore was hotter in 2006 when left it to pursue my new job in Hyderabad.
Last month i was desperately following the news from the metrological department of India on the arrival of monsoon. It was really refreshing when i got the first information on early arrival of monsoon and it could hit AP as early as 1st week of June. It is now end of 2nd week of June and only decent rain we had is last Sunday for over an hour. To have a good cool climate on a Sunday evening is as good as it gets and if it is a first rain of the season it make you happier. I tried my best to get wet in the rain by doing things that i could have otherwise avoided or wait until the rain stop which was anyway not a huge one.
Seeing the good cool climate that evening i change my plan and decided to cook something at home instead of getting outside food. But before i could decide on the menu the inevitable strikes and the power went off, beautiful song 'sawan barshe tarse dil...' on you tube comes to a halt as i start searching for a candle. Thousand ugly thought cross my head and i was cursing all and everyone but all in vain cause this is not new. Yes, not new because this thing happen every year and it is more 30 yrs i have been born and i have moved across so many big cities but everywhere the problem remain the same year after year.
It's not that we didn't had power cut before, starting from March there was a scheduled power cut of 2 hours which then changed to an unscheduled cut of god knows how many hours but why the hell is that whenever the rain start, the power has to go. It make sense if the there a strong wind going but when there is only a moderate rainfall why in the hell one would think of a power cut.
So with no power i had to drop my dinner plan preparing at home, it was almost an hour and i was convinced that the power is not going to come unless the rain stops. I decided to go out and get something for dinner as i can hear the rain slowing down. I came out of my room and there was another obvious thing waiting for me, what the hell how can i forget this, the entire street was flooded with water. I mean street is quite good and there seems to be proper drainage system until now and with this one rain everything seems so useless. This is not very surprising as ever year in every big city whenever there is a rain the traffic comes to halt.
By the time i return to home having my dinner the current was back and little river created outside my gate seems to draining down the gutter. I switched on my laptop to watch a Guru Dutta’s 'Kagaz ke phool' as decided but couldn't enjoy the movie fully as these 2 basic question kept me haunting.
Why is it so in every big city we have this problem and it seems these things are now taken for granted whenever there is a rain the power has to go and we have to swim our way through the newly created river to get out. Everybody says India is shinning, growing and what not...quite right though but still people living in cities are deprived of these basic necessities. People who are paying their tax properly in addition to whatever water/electricity bill they are using (even not using….) and doing whatever they can within their capacity to help the society grow but there were kept away from this basic facility. It will not be absolute incorrect to say that the government present and past have done little to make life better.
The monsoon is here and it will come every year like it has being doing in the past so can we can not expect a better infrastructure in terms of better drainage system, good power supply if not uninterrupted these are some of the basic things and if we can't do things to improve or make available these basic things to everybody then there is seriously some problem with the entire system. I know these can't be done overnight but then i have seeing these things happening since last 30 years and i don't know if i could see the change in near future........!!!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I am going to vote......!

On a lazy Sunday morning after having a cup of self made special tea I was going through the Sunday times when I saw in the corner of the front page that the collapse of decade old coalition between BJD and BJP.I switched on the laptop to check more and all the major online news channel has put of the whys and how the coalition broke.Never before Orissa had captured the headlines so prominently, thanks to the election fever the country is going through. Though I was not shocked by the news considering that in the recent civic polls both party fought on their own giving an indication on things to come. But I was hoping that the coalition should have continued simply because the only party who is going to benefit most out of all this is congress and that is pathetic for the state and I am not sure how good it will be for nation.
Now with the BJD proving the majority in the assembly and able to save the government going into polls in just over month’s time, things have been pretty much clear. While BJP is still trying to cope with the blow, BJD has made it clear that they are not in any front (UPA, NDA or the so called third front) hence making it clear that they are looking into post poll alliance rather than any major pre poll alliance. Few seat sharing with smaller parties is inevitable and it make sense as BJD on its own can't win every single seat be it assembly or LS.But by large BJD will have to fight this election on its own and hoping to get the majority in assembly and win more than 15 LS seats, i hope that this is not overconfidence.
Without going into the details on whether BJD betrayed BJP or BJP failed to realize the ground reality, the next question that comes to my mind is who to vote for. It’s needless to write whether I should vote for not, to me its at least the one thing as of now I can do to help myself to be part of a solution rather than just sit and complain. I have already plan my trip during the election week and eagerly waiting to vote probably for the first time in both assembly and lok sabha election without any family pressure. Though I don't have an in-depth knowledge of the ground reality based on which I can vote but I have kept myself updated on the things happening in Orissa through online news portal.
I have a little idea which party i am going to vote for and I will vote the same party for both my assembly and LS seats but what is important why I will vote for them. Lets first take the LS polls, it is pretty much clear that no party or alliance is going to get a clear cut majority to form a government at the centre so they will have to look for smaller regional parties to make up for the magic number so that's where parties like BJD will play a major role. It’s pretty much clear now why BJD has distanced itself from any alliance and I will not be surprised if BJD supports UPA (which is most likely to be the number 1 alliance) post polls. Why shouldn't it support the UPA, it's time for us to realize that we have to move away from traditional politics of untouchables to achieve whatever is required for the state and it's people. In today’s world there is no permanent enemy or friend, nothing is static and considering the fact that Orissa have been getting very raw deal from the centre simply because we are in the opposite side of the fence. Why there is a need of a bullet train from Patna when we are demanding for improving the infrastructure both in terms of rail and road so that it helps the industrialisation process. Why the polavaram project in AP has been given clearance when it shouldn't be as it affects people across the border.These are few things which clearly distinguish between Orissa and other states where congress or its partner are ruling. Therefore it is not a surprise why Orissa is a second poorest state when it is the number one destination for the investor, when the state GDP is more then the nation GDP etc etc....
When the party objective is clear on the goals then it become easier for a voter to decide to whom and why he should vote after all that’s the ultimate thing that matters. With BJD most likely putting candidates in at least 17/18 LS seat it will be next to impossible to win all the seats though I wish they make a 100% sweep but I think we should help and cast our votes in favor of BJD so that they can at least they win in more than 15 LS seats. This will have a major effect when the next government is formed at the centre not only we will have better say in the decision making process but we can hope for some good minister berth. But that’s quite a few distance now what we should concentrate is on casting our vote and what the party should concentrate is fielding the right candidate in the constituency, this is very much important because we don't want to repeat the mistake as in the past we have done, failed to speak and bargain what we deserve for and this has happened irrespective of which party is ruling.
Coming back to the assembly polls that the state is having simultaneously with the LS polls, here it is quite easy to decide. The ruling party has been there for last 10 years and has been making good progress and it's time for this government to implement the things that till now is only in paper. The government should take care of the people who will be displaced due to the industrialization and emphasis should be more on these people rather than the big industrialist interest. Another thing the government should take into consideration is the environment we shouldn't take the state into a situation where our next generation has to face unbearable situation. By having the best R&R policy and environment policy will not work, government should look into haw effectively it is implemented. This will become possible if we vote not only for the party but an accountable leader who is answerable. By all means BJD should win easily the assembly election on its own and hence it's become more important for the state government to make sure that there is no repeat of Kandhamal like situation. Also government has to handle the naxalite problem and remove it from its base this will not only help industralization but also help the tribal people who have been made scapegoat.
With the battle lines clearly drawn and state is going to see a 3 way contest rather than the traditional 2 way contest it's important for us to vote in a large number and not just vote but vote for the right person and party cause when we vote we don't vote a particular person or party but for the state and the nation also. It’s the one thing that all of us can do if we want our future to be safe and secure and in the right person hand. In Naveen Pattnaik we not only have a strong leadership but we can identify with him , here is a person who have hardly stayed in Orissa before he joins politics so when he is outside he might have gone through all those rubbish talk about his state that we all have face at some point of time.So when he has opportunity to change things i sincerely believe he is trying his best whether he will be successful or not only time will tell. So I am going to vote for him and I am sure all of you will try your best to go and cast your vote as it matters........!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Jai Ho....!

It was quite expected the 'Slumdog Millionaire' will win few awards at the Oscar given that it has won awards in all the major international award show but winning 8 out of 10 nominations is quite phenomenal. As people debate over whether it's an Indian movie or foreign film, to me it doesn't matter. It's an entertaining movie that has a simple message and a mass appeal but what I like most in the film is the way the story is told. I have seen almost all the big releases after i return from London and i can see the change in the way the film is being presented these days be it contemporary Devdas or the classic Dilli 6 and i am sure we are going to see more of this in the coming days. Whether the film is an Indian film or a foreign film there are multiple reason to celebrate the success at Oscar. 1) Celebrate for A R Rahman for becoming the first Indian to win 2 Oscar, tough the music of SM is good but not the best from Rahman till date, we have heard much better music in the form of Roza, Taal or the latest Dilli 6, also the international audience has heard him before and acknowledge his potential on different forums but getting an Oscar is the ultimate thing to happen. People like A R Rahman, Lata Mangeskar, Amitabh Bachchan and Sachin Tendulkar are genius and we should be proud of them and celebrate their success. 2) Same goes for Resul Pookutty, he himself admitted that his work in 'Gandhi My Father' is better than Slumdog. We should celebrate for these people because they have made us proud. I personally think we have to keep on doing the good work getting recognition is not on your hand, it's all about timing and who are judging you. But if you are continuously delivering then sooner or later that is going to be recognized. From the day the film start getting recognition in form of international awards we the people in India started to say ugly things about it, starting from the movie title to the content and now when it has reached where it truly belongs we are still debating whether is it a Indian or foreign film. All this things have only helped the film get more publicity which is ultimately good for the film.I have seen the movie when it released in India and again after it won the Oscar and both the time i thoroughly enjoyed it. May be an Indian director might have made a much better film, with a better title and beautiful location which might have become a block buster in India but have we not seen all those things in every other bollywood movie.Why we always want to see our main actor coming in bmw/merc and having a big bungalow dancing around the tree with the leading lady and finally beating more than dozen anti social element and taking away the heroine.Though the number of such movies made in India has reduced over the period of time and now we are getting to see some quality movies but criticizing SM is just stupid. To me a good movie is one that entertains me for length of the movie with some good message with it. Slumdog is not only a good entertainer but also shows how we can win against all odds.My best movie till date is 'Cast Away' and i can relate SM to it, it's about hope and being optimistic. There are few scenes which even made me feel bad about but then that is the truth and it's not artificial There are still quite a good number of people living in slums and fighting everyday to get their meals, we still fight in the name of god. So instead of criticizing the movie we should do whatever we can to remove these things from society, what baffles me more is that some very senior personality from the film fraternity have criticised the movie what i think only because somebody from outside was able to achieve what we have not and that that in our country. I have no doubt that if a similar movie is being made by an Indian director and a India producer the film might not have achieved half of what it SM has achieved but then that's how it is. Instead of complaining about it we should look at the positive side, it has opened a whole new world of opportunity for Indian artist and technicians and we should look it as a bridge between Hollywood and bollywood and try to make maximum benefit out of it rather being judgemental.When the whole world is going through a recession we are still growing and are least effected by it and i don't think any of us have any doubt that we are going to be more stronger in every aspect we just have to make that little effort to accept few things and do whatever we can to eliminate it and make India more stronger so that next time an Indian director or a an Indian production house get us an Oscar. India is at the center of the world...Jai ho..